PhD: 2000 St.Petersburg State University / Steklov Institute, Russia
Supervisor: Ivan Panin
Title: On Grothendieck’s conjecture about principal homogeneous spaces for some classical algebraic groups
Habilitation: 2009 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany
Mentor: Fabien Morel
Title: Motives and algebraic cycles on projective homogeneous varieties
Research Interests: Algebraic Geometry: algebraic groups, torsors, homogeneous spaces, cohomology theories, algebraic cycles, motives
- Peer-reviewed journals: 46
General: Inventiones Math., Advances Math., J. Reine und Angew. Math., Ann. Sci Ecole Norm. Sup., Compositio Math., Math. Annalen, Selecta Math., J. Inst. Math. Jussieu, Math. Res. Letters., Internat. Math. Res. Notices., Documenta Math., Canadian J. Math., Math. Zeitschrift, Manuscripta Math., London Math. Bull., Canadian Math. Bull., St.Petersburg J. Math., J. Ramanujan Math. Soc., Arkiv för Matematik, J. Math. Sciences, New-York J. Math.
Specialized: Algebra & Number Theory, Transf. Groups, J. Algebra, K-theory J., J Pure Appl. Algebra, Algebras and Repr. Theory. - Refereed conference proceedings: 3
- Abstracts and technical reports: 9
Professional Experience:
- 2000-2006 Steklov Mathematical Institute at St.Petersburg, Russian Academy of Sciences
- 2001-2003 European Post-Doctoral Fellow (I.H.E.S. France, E.P.F.L. Switzerland, Max-Planck-Institute Bonn Germany, University of Bielefeld Germany)
- 2004-2005 Alexander von Humboldt Fellow, University of Bielefeld
- 2006 Visiting Scholar, SFB 701, University of Bielefeld
- 2006-2009 Assistant professor, University of München, Lehrstuhl Fabien Morel
- 2009-2015 Associate professor, University of Ottawa.
- Since 2015 Full professor, University of Ottawa.
- July 2015-June 2018 NSERC Discovery Grants Mathematics and Statistics Evaluation Committee
Grants, Awards:
- 2010-2014, 2015-2021, 2022-2026 NSERC Discovery Grant
- 2015 Faculty of Science Excellence in Research Award ( UOttawa )
- 2011-2016 Early Researcher Award (announcements: UOttawa, Ontario gov.)
- 2010-2012 NSERC Discovery Accelerator Supplement (announcements: UOttawa, NSERC)
- 2007-2009 DFG individual research grant (co-PI)
Short term research visits:
- University of Besancon, France (05-08/1998),
- University of Bielefeld, Germany (2000-2001),
- University of Münster, Germany (09-12/2004),
- University of Bielefeld, Germany (08/2007, 03/2008, 08/2008),
- Universite Paris 13, France (06/2010),
- I.H.E.S. France (08/2011),
- Fields Institute, Toronto (04-06/2013),
- University of Mainz, Germany (12/2014),
- I.H.E.S. France (02-04/2016),
- Universite Paris 13, France (05/2016)
- St.Petersburg University, Russia (07/2016)
- University of Munich (LMU), Germany (07/2017)
- University of Koln, Germany (07/2018)
- University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy (12/2019, 02/2024)
Professional Memberships:
- Since 2004 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Network
- Since 2006 Steklov Math. Institute Club
- 2014-2020 Canadian Math Society
- Since 2021 American Math Society