PhD students (completed):
- Charalambos Kioulos (PhD 2020-2023, non-completed)
- Cameron Ruether (PhD 2017-2021) – Postdoctoral fellow at The “Simion Stoilow” Institute of Mathematics, Bucharest, Romania.
- Maiko Serizawa (PhD, 2017-2021, co-supervised with Erhard Neher)
- Alexander Neshitov (PhD, 2012-2016, Ontario Trillium Scholarship)
- Marc-Antoine Leclerc (PhD 2012-2016, co-supervised with Erhard Neher)
- Caroline Junkins (PhD 2010-2014, NSERC Alexander Graham Bell Canada Graduate Scholarship) – Assistant Professor (tenure-track) McMaster University
- Victor Petrov (PhD, 2004-2006 co-supervised with Anthony Bak) – Associate Prof. at St.Petersburg University, Russia
- Alexandre Lourdeaux (Visiting PhD Research student, February-March, 2020, collaboration with the University of Lyon, France)
MSc students (completed):
- Raj Gandhi (MSc 2019-2021, co-supervised with Alistair Savage, currently a PhD student at Cornell University, USA, supported by NSERC Canada Graduate Scholarship, Ontario Graduate Scholarship)
- Charalambos Kioulos (MSc 2018-19)
- Cameron Ruether (MSc 2015-17
- Janina Zurstrassen (Visiting MSc Research Student, May 3 – June 14, 2015, collaboration with the University of Mainz, Germany)
- Emily Campling (MSc 2013, co-supervised with Barry Jessup)
- Marc-Antoine Leclerc (MSc 2010-2012, co-supervised with Erhard Neher)